“You see the end of the road coming, and you want to contribute to somebody else seeing a little bit further down the road. In the end, we want to be seeing a long way down that road.”
Sally Pascal, pancreatic cancer survivor
As well as raising funds for our own research at the Cambridge Pancreatic Cancer Centre, our members are passionate about fundraising for other related charities and raising awareness of pancreatic cancer. We have started holding annual events on World Pancreatic Cancer Day and you can read more about these here.
If you would like to donate to the Cambridge Pancreatic Cancer Centre see below. We understand that you might want to make a donation for a particular purpose and have identified these key areas with the help of our patient representatives:
How to donate (online)
Donate Online HereThere is no option to attach a letter with the online donation service above so if you’d like to share the story behind your donation or a specific request for your donation, please email this to pancreatic@cancer.cam.ac.uk.
How to donate (by post)
Please make your cheque payable to the 'University of Cambridge'. Write a short letter with a note that you are donating to the Cambridge Pancreatic Cancer Centre. Include your name and address (for receipt).
Send to:
Dr Hui-Ling Ou
Research Programme Manager (Pancreatic Cancer)
CRUK Cambridge Centre
University of Cambridge
Li Ka Shing Centre
Robinson Way
The Cambridge Pancreatic Cancer Centre seeks to further its mission through a variety of funding streams. Financial and in-kind support for the Centre is gratefully acknowledged from: